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Dear Students,

Hearty Greetings to all at the onset of the New Year fast approaching on the horizons.
The future of any nation lies in the hands of teachers, who own responsibilities of sculpturing and nurturing talents in students, building their character and making them useful and productive citizens of the country.
Chanakya College of Teachers’ Training has been a premier institution of teacher education at Udaipur that has established its brilliance not only in imparting teaching skills in students, but also in emphasizing on imbibing moral and cultural values for an ethical student-teacher relationships in future. Trained teachers from these organizations have always become role models and torch bearers for the overall development of children in the field of education.
Our college holds one of the best infrastructures with well-equipped laboratories and rich library facility, forming the launching pad for the mission. We have one of the most well qualified and experienced teaching faculties, with proper academic knowledge and values to be imbibed amongst our students. This highly qualified staff brilliantly adds to this, with its complete dedication, for the harmonious personality development of students and provides excellent conducive environment for learning. It emphasizes on value based education and upholds traditions. The college has covered many milestones of success and has a reputation of providing motivated and exemplary teachers to the society.

With this, I further feel assured to get full support of all in furthering the aims and missions of our organization in the development of quality teachers for the society, in real intellect.
With best wishes for a bright future!


-Dr. (Smt.) Parul Mathur

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