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Dear Teachers & Students,

You have chosen a very noble profession of teaching, especially at a time when there are such rapid changes around be it social, economical, cultured or political. Thus we feel the responsibility to produce such manpower with advanced & innovative knowledge and efficient skills who can further shape the youth of India into a better tomorrow. To produce such talented & globally competent students & steering our education system rests upon our shoulders. We at Chanakya College of Teachers’ Training constantly aim at equipping our college with the best facilities & importing not only academic but also practical knowledge. Values & giving back to the society is something that I personally emphasize on & monitor.
Taking into consideration the demand of the society from this noble profession, I am proud to say we have set our path & goal right. I encourage you all to develop an environment where there is constant learning, increased interactions & a sense of belonging.
Thank You.


– Jayant Kothari
Director at Chanakya College of Teachers’ Training

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